داستان آبیدیک

sober up

sobəɹ ʌp


1 general:: Phrase(s): sober someone up 1. Lit. to take actions that will cause a drunken person to become sober. • Some coffee ought to sober him up. • He tried to sober himself up because he had to drive home. • They tried to sober up the guys who had been out all night. 2. Fig. to cause someone to face reality. • The harsh reality of what had happened sobered him up immediately. • The arrival of the police sobered up all the revelers., Phrase(s): sober up to recover from alcohol or drug intoxication. • Barlowe had one hour to sober up and get to the station. • It took him a while to sober up.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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